Burlesque: The Body Beautiful
with Christine Massie

December 27 (Friday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Studio space
Studio B

Why Burlesque? Why not? Let's find learn to embrace our bodies, flaunt our beauty and build confidence through this Theater Burlesque Class! No matter our age or our build we are all fabulous in our own way. Let's own it!

This Weekly Friday night class will feature burlesque tricks of the trade, and movement vocabulary. The choreography will change every few weeks allowing us time to really grasp the material and own it! 

So come and get your shake and shimmy on! This class  promises to be "peeling and Revealing!" ; )
It is for everyone that wants a little movement fun and it is the perfect way  to start your weekend with a wink and a smile. 

Hope you will join us!

Christine Massie
AKA The Notorious Honi Harlow! 

Christine Massie a.k.a. The notorious Honi Harlow; the woman with the voice, the teases, and the body that sings.  has a long history over 20 years in the Burlesque world performing producing writing directing. She's traveled the world and she's ready to come back here to New York State and teach you the joys and revealing ways of burlesque queens. Who I am? Why do I qualify to teach this?  after producing and hosting countless number of nights in NYC in almost every venue in the city for almost two decades. I would say I have a PHD in being on stage. That’s what I would say, but the truth is I have a lifetime of tripping the boards here and abroad. In classical theater and the completely avant-garde. Sometimes I’ve fallen flat on my face and others I’ve soared with the best of them…I have a firm belief class time is the best place to learn and grow and develop. 


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