Dance And Theater Arts

Tap - Beginning
with Mary Rotella

February 28 (Friday)
at 9:45 am

Class length
60 minutes

Studio space
Studio A

This class is for absolute beginning tappers and folks that want a bit of review before heading up to the next level. It is taught in a very supportive and repetitive manner so we can master the basics - Here is what to expect!

  • We focus on building technique and learning basic tap vocabulary through our set warm-up. This will be reviewed every week for new comers to the class.
  • We will work toward understanding how to easily shift our weight as we move across the floor combining simple steps to make slightly more complicated phrases.
  • We will do work toward very short combinations that build muscle and brain memory for the last half hour of class.
Please wear something comfortable and have your tap shoes purchased for your first class. We look forward to you joining in the fun! 


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